Week Four Exercise: Analyse this commercial. In no more than 300 words, using the knowledge picked up from the reading materials above, argue if this commercial is effective or not.
The objective of this commercial is to promote a product they are selling. Which is a waterproof camera. That is the reason why their main objective venus is in the sea. The target audience could be a wide range, perhaps more to the youngsters on how they do the commercial.
The strategy they use is influence. Consumers would buy the product for frequent water activities and capture the moments in water. Emotions they use will be provocation, provoking the consumer only when its important to attract attention and the message is simple. The general tactics they use would be under attention category as it consist of surprise and humour, message is simple and no attitude change is needed. Definitely not selling the brand because humour is use primarily for well-known low-involvement products and relavant to the selling point.The media-specific tactics they've apply is video-based and some text structure have strive for high technical quality but at a low cost. The message of this ad is interesting prose; using drama and vivid examples to gain empathy, low-involvement product and weak arguements.
This is quite an effective commercial as it managed to keep the audience in suspense and end off with surprise and humour. It is not draggy(appropriate timing) and message is simple. Drama and story-telling of this commercial is successful for a low-involvement product and uses humour to distract the weak arguements of the product.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
SONARC EXERCISE Among the commercials you have, picked and ananlyzed the spin, choose 2 that you think are most effective . 1.Define the target audience. 2.Describe how the spin was treated such that it becomes effective using models/ideas.(eg.color mood, various contrasts, genre, sound & etc.)
The Healthcare Advertisement:
1) the target audience would be the adults who are not kin to do exercise regularly. 2) the spin is created in a way that, it tells you by exercising can make you feel better in all kinds of ways. the colour moodboard they've used in this advertisement are mostly grey, and white. it gives the audience a quiet and calm feeling but yet humorous in terms of actions and sound. its like a surprise(!) after watching the clip. It is an effective advertisement as it had managed to capture the audience's attention and have it remembered.
The Car Commercial:
1) the target audience would be the drivers in the world! 2) the spin: telling us this car wouldn't make mistake. not even the slightest one. (the tagline) The pursuit of perfection. potrays to us that, this car is perfect. The colour mood board of the ad brings out the very classy feel; with the combination of shining black and the classy-ness the champagne glasses bring out. It makes everyone wanting to own the car. It is effective as it speaks alot within minutes. being an audience, it made me stayed on and watch. watch what the car can do.